Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekly Challenge-2

This week I want to know which team member drives the farthest to get to the gym.


Anonymous said...

Nathaniel thinks it's Kaden who lives in Utah County.

Anonymous said...


does he count?


Anonymous said...

Andrew's mom haha

Michelle said...

Andrew's mom?

Anonymous said...

She got pulled over on the way there a week or so ago

Anonymous said...

steve u dont gotta tell everyone that!


Anonymous said...

i think its me! cause i live in salt lake city! & momentoum is like in draper or something?


Anonymous said...

Well they have to drive fast to make it on time everyday

Anonymous said...

well then thats not my fault now is it? nope i dont think so mr.


Anonymous said...

Hey it's bedtime yo.

Anonymous said...

maybe for you home dog but not 4 me. night i guess

Anonymous said...

nighty night all. see you at practice.

Anonymous said...


-sarah w

Bradburn's said...

I think it is me weston and sam


Michelle said...

Oh come on you guys! Although Cole's answer makes some sense, you're still missing an obvious one that isn't even the right answer! Keep thinking, or better yet, ask questions at practice tonight. :)

Bradburn's said...

This is weston not cole

I think it is sam and ben


Michelle said...

Sam and Ben (I assume you're talking about the brothers) live in Sandy. The gym is also in Sandy. Sandy is pretty big but it's not that big. ;)

Anonymous said...

is it nathaniel


Anonymous said...

Taryn thinks it's Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Um I know But Im to old to play.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you are kinda old but i think you can still play.

Anonymous said...