Thursday, November 13, 2008



Ellise is 9 years old and in the 4th grade at Grace Lutheran School. She loves to eat cheeseburgers and her favorite color is green. Ellise has one sister, Katie, who is also on the climbing team.

Ellise joined Team Momentum just over a year ago when it first began. She started rock climbing because she thought it was going to be fun and she found out that she was right. Ellise's favorite thing about climbing is going for a move and to her, the best part of being on the climbing team is that she has such great coaches that teach and challenger her.

Ellise loves to boulder and sport climb (she has recently learned to lead climb) and she competes in many competitions. Someday, she would love to climb The Grand Teton.

Besides rock climbing, Ellise loves to ski, hike, bicycle, and drink tons of water to keep her hydrated during all of her physical activity. She also does yoga with her sister and father.

Someday Ellise hopes to become a veterinarian.

Congratulations Ellise! Thanks for being such a wonderful part of Team Momentum!

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