Thursday, December 18, 2008

And the winner is....


I am posting Autumn's answer how she wrote it since she worked very hard to learn this information and didn't really get a chance to share it at practice on Wednesday.

Lynn Hill:

Lynn started climbing at the age of 14 and her first climb was on "lead". She had to use a "Swiss Seat" since harnesses did not exist back in 1975. Her brothers and sisters taught her how to climb. Lynn is only 5 feet 1 inch tall and was the first woman to climb a 5.14, which was Masse Critique (5.14a) in Cimai, France.

One reason that Lynn Hill is considered a top climber in the world, man or woman, is that in 1994, she freed The Nose on El Cap in less than 24 hours. This is an impressive feat because it takes the average climber 5 days to ascend the 31 pitch route.

The first time Lynn tried to ascend The Nose, she ran low on food, water and chalk, not to mention she was exhausted. She decided to come back another time and try again. Lynn returned in two weeks, this time with plenty of supplies and a more positive attitude and was able to ascend the climb in less than 24 hours.

Lynn was also John Long's girlfriend. John, in case you didn't know, is the author of the "How to Rock Climb" books.



Unknown said...

steven in the furture dont steal my thunder!

Unknown said...

or ill steal yours

Michelle said...

You tell him sunshine!

Anonymous said...
