Saturday, January 16, 2010

ABS 11 Big Sky Region Finals

Since the ABS 11, Big Sky Region schedule was set back in August, we've been worrying and complaining about having to drive to Bozeman, Montana in the middle of January to compete in the Big Sky Region Finals.

Since we competed in our last local competition at The Quarry in November, we've been watching the weather and driving conditions, biting our nails and hoping for a January thaw.

Finally, not only did Mother Nature deliver by holding off any storms that were supposed to hit, she posted temperatures in the low to mid 40's this weekend in Bozeman. Yes, it's true...Bozeman was warmer than Salt Lake this weekend and apparently the temperatures had dropped to near -20 in Bozeman last weekend so we really lucked out.

Not only did Mother Nature deliver, so did Team Momentum. It was a long day at Spire Climbing Center, as the first round of competitors checked into isolation starting at 7:30 Saturday morning with Qualifying beginning at 8:30 a.m. Of the 49 competitors at today's comp, 15 of them were Mo' Team members. While these 15 were readying themselves for competition, 4 more of Team Momentum's stars were in Boulder, at the Boulder Rock Club waiting their turn to show the Colorado/New Mexico Region what Utah is made of.

Despite a bad case of nervous stomach for Katie, some unsettling Mexican food at lunch for the Tresco brothers, and a long day for all, Team Momentum received invitations to ABS 11 Nationals in 4 of the 8 divisions we had competitors in. Following are the competitors and the places they finished:

Female Youth A:
  • Aspen Sanderson-2nd, Bozeman
Male Youth A:
  • Hunter Duffin, Boulder
Female Youth B:
  • Rachel Wedge-1st with an inviation to Nationals, Bozeman
  • Amanda Starwalt-2nd, Bozeman
  • Sarah Legg-3rd, Bozeman
  • Sage Knapp-4th, Bozeman
Male Youth B:
  • Palmer Larsen-1st with an invitation to Nationals, Bozeman
  • Ben Tresco-3rd with an invitation to Nationals, Boulder
  • Cole Bradburn-4th, Bozeman
  • Sam Tresco-4th, Boulder
Female Youth C:
  • Katie Shuman-3rd, Bozeman
Male Youth C:
  • Nathaniel Coleman-1st with an invitation to Nationals, Bozeman
  • Tavray Ma'e-3rd with an invitation to Nationals, Bozeman
  • Conner LaFleur-5th, Bozeman
  • Alex Tresco, Boulder
  • Weston Bradburn, Bozeman
Female Youth D:
  • Ellise Shuman-1st with an invitation to Nationals, Bozeman
  • Maisy Hayes-2nd, Bozeman
Male Youth D:
  • Caleb Bloodworth-3rd, Bozeman
In addition to the kids placing well, Team Momentum was, once again, given the Team Champion Award for the Big Sky Region. These kids did an amazing job and we're proud of all of them. It takes a lot of guts and hard work to compete.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the help and support of the amazing parents that tirelessly and many times thanklessly, bring their kids to practices as well as drive them around the country in order to attend these competitions.

Also behind the scenes are the gyms, gym owners, managers, staff, routesetters (thanks Molly! We love your routes and problems!), and everyone that works to coordinate these events. Thanks to all of you!

ABS 11 National competition will take place in Alexandria, VA, February 12-14. Good luck to everyone that received invitations to Nationals!

A complete list of final scores and places should be posted within a day or so at

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