Monday, December 8, 2008

And the winner is.....

Here's his answer:

1: Smith Rock-Traditional and aid climbing from the early sixties. In the 1970's Dean Fry bolted the first face route in the dihedrals, "Methusula's Column" (5.10a).

2: Red Rocks- began in the mid 80's

3: American Fork- Black Magic was climbed in the fall of 1988, Jeff Pedersen, Boone Speed, and Bill Boyle continued to develop routes.

4: VRG- Development began in 1989 by Jeff Pedersen, Vince Adams, Boone Speed, Tom Gilje, and Randy Leavitt.

5: Rifle- Richard Wright and Mark Tarrant put up the first route in Rifle called "Rumor has it," in 1991

6: Maple- Early 90's devlelopment began with Bill Boyle, Jeff Pedersen, Bill Ohran, Tim Hannig, Dan Snyder, with many others to follow.

Thanks for the history lesson!

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