Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weekly Challenge - November 9, 2008

Weekly Challenge-2

Autumn is right Nathaniel, the rules clearly state that you can make only one guess per day, sorry.

This week's challenge is going to be a little different and there are going to be some rules. The challenge is like a puzzle. The image I post today is of a member of the climbing team but it is covered up except for one piece so you can't tell who it is. Tomorrow, I will post the image again but with another piece of it uncovered. Each day I will add back another piece until someone guesses who it is.

Here are the rules:

1) each team member can only make one guess each day


2) you have to guess by posting a comment on the blog.

Any guesses made at practice will be completely ignored. If you don't know how to post a comment on the blog, follow these instructions:

When you get to the end of this blog post, you will see a line. Directly below that line you will see two things, the date the post was made and next to that, the number of comments that have been made on the post. If you click on "comments -", it will take you to a new screen where you can post a comment.

Capisca? Bueno! Here's the first post of the image:

Redone Challenge 3

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

the answer is Palmer


Anonymous said...

the answer is not palmer the answer is sarah wong?

Anonymous said...

by palmer

Anonymous said...

its nathanial!

e-mail this if its right...

Ty said...

I think it is Nathanial too!

Michelle said...

Good guesses but not correct!

Bradburn's said...

I think it is weston


Unknown said...

is it.......aspen!?

Anonymous said...

I think it is Nathaniel, do parents get to guess too?

Anonymous said...

Never mind about Nathaniel, is it Ben?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nathaniel thinks it is Josh!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cole. It's Weston. Or maybe Reed.... idk.

<3:// Missy

Anonymous said...

Nathaniel says it's Weston. Smoothie please.

Anonymous said...

Hey can only post one guess a day you silly goose! go read the rules again if you dont believe me! hmmmmm.............who is weston anyway??? does he come to practice or am i blind???


Anonymous said...

the answer is weston but cole shouldn't get it because its his brother i should get it i have never got it and i get it


Anonymous said...

so what plamer (however u spell ur name) i havent gotten it either so to bad! that smoothie will be mine!

Anonymous said...

wow you guys are dorks!!