Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Answer To This Week's Challenge

Once again I have messed up the Weekly Challenge. The answer to "whose middle name is Arnold?" is Steven, I mean Andrew. The answer to the second part is Taryn, only I put the wrong school in the question. She really goes to Willow Springs, not Sprucewood. Anyway, Aspen managed to figure it out so she won the free smoothie. Congratulations Aspen!


Stay tuned for this week's Coaches' Tip....


Anonymous said...

YAY GO ME!! i figured it out!! hehe jk lol! well that smoothie was pretty good!! :) well thats i pretty sweet picture of me!! :) well later peeps!!


Anonymous said...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) YAY SMILES!!

Anonymous said...

Amanda and JErmey


Unknown said...

GOOD 4 u aspen!