Wednesday, January 16, 2013

SCS 2013 Competition Schedule

SCS Youth 2013 Schedule

Local comps: (You need to participate in at least 2 local comps to advance from Regionals)

Monday, January 14, 2013

ABS Divisionals Tucson Arizona

This weekend several of Team Momentum competed in the American Boulder Series Divisional competition at The Bloc in Tucson, AZ.

It was a great and tough competition with some of the toughest climbers in the nation being in our Division.

Youth from our team that participated were: Victor, Sammi, Aspen, Xander, Cade, Maisy, Weston, Sarah, Rachel, Nathaniel, Palmer . Several got to move on to Nationals!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Divisionals to Olympics?

ABS Divisionals 2013 in Tucson is only a week away with some moving on to Nationals in Colorado soon.  We wish you all success!

Maybe some of you will be in the Olympics one day!
Check out this article about potential Olympic sports for 2020