It was a great and tough competition.
Thursday was the first day of Nationals in Atlanta. The weather was rainy and the temperatures were tolerable. We had nine of Team Momentum and our friends Sam and Ben make it to Atlanta. Thursday, seven of those nine from Team Momentum flashed their routes! Sami, Victor, Sarah, Dalton, Palmer, Austin and Nathaniel. Daniel got to the second to the last hold before falling so he had a good chance to make it to semi-finals. Cole didn't do as well as he wanted and fell half way through but still had a chance the next day.
Friday was the second day of Qualifiers for Nationals and it was tough going. Only three of our original nine made it to semi-finals. Nathaniel being the only one to flash his route. Sami and Victor also made it to semi-finals.
They take 16 to semi-finals in each category. The competition was fierce this year and the route setters did a good job weeding kids out.
Here was the placements of our youth after the second day.
- Nathaniel - 1st
- Palmer - 24th
- Dalton - 20th
- Cole - 31st
- Sarah 24th
- Daniel - 29th
- Austin - 21st
- Sami - 14th
- Victor - 5th
Day three of Nationals, which is the Semi-finals, brought some tears for many climbers, this
is a tough competition. The three from our team did great! Nathaniel took eighth, Victor took 2nd, and Sami climbed up to 4th! Some of the climbers, parents and coaches were quite nervous by this time.
And for Finals....
Austin Hansel took 6th in Speed Climbing. ( Just try to catch him next time you see him in the gym..)
Then in Sport Climbing after some more tough and great routes, Nathaniel came in 8th place competing against some of the best climbers in the US! Ben Tresco took 7th.
We had our two Youth D kids (up to 11 years old) who placed second in their
category, Sami Singleton and Victor Baudrand. Congratulations!! This was their first
national competition and they preformed well under so much pressure. Sami has been invited to be on Team USA.
Congrats to everybody who made it to Nationals!
Thank you for all the well wishes. The climbers, their families, and coaches truly appreciate all the support.
Thank you for all the well wishes. The climbers, their families, and coaches truly appreciate all the support.